On the Optimality of Coded Caching With Heterogeneous User Profiles


In this paper, we consider a coded caching scenario where users have heterogeneous interests. Taking into consideration the system model originally proposed by Wang and Peleato, for which the end-receiving users are divided into groups according to their file preferences, we develop a novel information-theoretic converse on the worst-case communication load under uncoded cache placement. Interestingly, the developed converse bound, jointly with one of the coded schemes proposed by Wang and Peleato, allows us to characterize the optimal worst-case communication load under uncoded prefetching within a constant multiplicative gap of 2. Although we restrict the caching policy to be uncoded, our work improves the previously known order optimality results for the considered caching problem.

2022 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)
Federico Brunero
Federico Brunero
Senior Research Engineer